Logistics and Control

Logística & Control

We are a very specialized business services company in our field developed through 10 years of service, based in Santiago, Veraguas and we manage the interests of the Catiland Group. Our quality reflects a Transparent, Effective and Proven Execution Management System to carry out many diverse functions within a complex environment.

An important added value

We can be, for potential investors from outside or from Panama, an interface between them and their project, able to provide a coordinate link between the investor, his  the project, local people, the  development and execution of the programme , through the functions that encompasses the services related below.


We know the local market and its laws in depth and we are able to provide you with a complete and integrated service.

  • Experience and Multidisciplinary Activity
  • Direction and Project Management
  • Financial management
  • Commercial management
  • Administration
  • Logistics
  • Operations Bridge – operational relationship between Seller and Buyer
  • Local resources and knowledge and details