
Playa Ballena

Ballena is a complete bay of 349 Ha. and is located on the Pacific coast of Panama in the province of Veraguas, in the southern part of the Sona Peninsula, in the Gulf of Chiriquí.

It is a remote rural coastal site. Access by boat is from the Santiago side, through the port of San
Lorenzo (Playa El Banco) and takes approximately 30 minutes. The land behind the beach area ( a flat area of 40hct before the hills and area for unique house locations) could be suitable for a landing strip, subject to CAA analysis. It is 20 minutes by helicopter from Santiago.

Ballena is an autonomous bay and headland ecosystem made up of beach, forest, river and savanna
that is intrinsically connected to the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Coiba Island.

Natural actives include:
• An exclusive added bay with control over the ecosystem
• River that runs through the bay and provides fresh water
• The rocks that protect the entrance to the bay are used as a reference point by migrating whales
• Other species present include dolphins, turtles, tuna and sailfish.
• The swimming beach has a high level of cultural and scenic enjoyment
• Association with the Coiba ecosystem as a place of marine impact
• Unique biodiversity with rare native species of birds and mammals

The headland offers panoramic views of the bay, a long sandy beach, 40 hct of flat land and
surrounded by virgin land supported by strong freshwater ecosystem services and great biodiversity. It has a beautiful clean riverbed, Río Ballena, that runs down from the property’s land in the hills to the lagoon next to the beach.

COASTAL AREA: 568,841.20 M2

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